Female children tend to suffer from being over praised and over loved. How can a daddy or grandpa help but be smitten? I've raised girls and boys. Toddler girls are so huggable, so determined to please. Toddler boys suffer from what I call the "squiggly wigglies." Try to hold and comfort them and they'll use you as a trampoline.
What daddy does not adore his little girl? She wants to dress up like a princess. Mommy buys her princess outfits and tutus. Kisses and hugs all around.
When the little princess turns 3, everything changes. Once a little huggy doll, the girl begins to refuse to accept all that affection. She often becomes pretty pissy about it.
"You hug me too much!" she'll say when daddy tries to give her a goodbye kiss. "Leave me alone!" And daddy can see that she's studying him to gauge the effectiveness of her rejection of his affections.
What happened?
She's demanding recognition of her dark side.
We all have our dark side. We are all sinners. In our intimate relationships, we want both sides to be recognized and embraced. If only one side is encouraged and recognized, and that's usually the light side, that dark side will become a monster fighting for attention.
This pattern gets replayed throughout a woman's life, particularly if she's pretty. Men project all sorts of compassionate virtues onto a physically attractive woman. I was no different when I was a young man. Took a long time to recognize that a pretty woman with those doe eyes and fluttering eyelids might be a vicious, holy terror.
We become contemptuous of anything that we obtain too easily. Men are too damned easy to manipulate. Piece of cake for a young woman who's a piece of ass.
Feminism has amped up this dilemma. We've spent the past 50 years literally elevating women to sainthood, blaming men for everything and weeping over the slightest scratch life might inflict on our little princesses.
And, at the same time, we've told those little princesses that they suffer from systematic "oppression" and that they are being cheated and abused.
The dark side won't be denied.
The wave of correction has already begun, and I expect it to accelerate.
When I talk politics with women, who are almost always hyper liberal, on the web, I find that the first thing I have to do is abuse them of the notion that I will kneel before them in acknowledgement of their compassionate virtue. I have to tell them that they might be rotten, no good brats. That their motives might be mean and vicious and self-interested.
If the woman in question is really mired deep in the myth of female moral supremacy, I might even have to tell her that she's "just a rotten cunt."
You'd think that this would drive said woman away. It never does. She'll spend hours bitching and arguing and hurling every epithet at me that she can imagine. But, she won't simply detach and go away.
Because she's relieved that a man finally recognized that dark side in her. She has been fed up for years with the unearned praise that men have heaped upon her. She wants to finally be seen for what she is.
What's the moral?
I think we're about to see women's dark side emerging as a sinister monster in our national political and intellectual life. How that will manifest itself, I do not know.
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